Sen. Ron Wyden: Crypto Needs Regulatory Framework, More Focus on Developers
Coindesk3 months ago

Sen. Ron Wyden: Crypto Needs Regulatory Framework, More Focus on Developers

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  • Sen. Ron Wyden, a prominent advocate for internet freedom and privacy, emphasizes the need for a regulatory framework for the crypto industry, particularly for stablecoins.

  • He believes that crypto offers opportunities for progress in areas like financial inclusion and secure medical records, but warns against overly burdensome regulations.

  • Wyden sees software developers as crucial to innovation and advocates for their protection from overly burdensome regulations.

  • He also advocates for transparency and accountability in AI development, pushing for his Algorithm Accountability Act.

  • Wyden expressed concern about the secrecy surrounding some proposed changes to FISA, advocating for a balance between national security and privacy rights.

  • Wyden highlighted the growing interest in crypto among lawmakers and the public, seeing a significant shift in attitudes toward the industry.

Senator Ron Wyden, a long-time advocate for internet freedom and privacy, spoke at CoinDesk's Consensus 2024 conference about his views on the crypto industry. He stressed the need for a regulatory framework, particularly for stablecoins, and emphasized the importance of protecting software developers, who he sees as crucial to innovation. Wyden believes that crypto offers opportunities for progress in areas like financial inclusion and secure medical records, but warns against overly burdensome regulations. He also spoke about the need for transparency and accountability in AI development, pushing for his Algorithm Accountability Act. Wyden also addressed concerns about privacy and surveillance, advocating for more robust protections for law-abiding citizens. He reiterated his support for reform of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), but voiced concerns about the secrecy surrounding some proposed changes. Wyden highlighted the growing interest in crypto among lawmakers and the public, seeing a significant shift in attitudes toward the industry. He encouraged individuals to engage with their legislators on issues like job creation and fraud prevention, as the power for change comes from the grassroots. In conclusion, Wyden emphasized the importance of listening and learning when crafting policy, advocating for a balanced approach that prioritizes both innovation and consumer protection.



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